The Erhardt Isotope Geochemistry Lab is currently recruiting two MS and/or PhD students for Fall 2023. We have a few potential projects on the horizon, and are open to developing other ideas along your interests.


The project will focus on using sulfur isotopes in pore waters and sediment from the South Pacific to understand questions of sediment diagenesis. We’ll look at the oxygen history of the Campbell Plateau and the climate implications. This work builds off of the ongoing PhD project of Alex Reis.

Isotope Development:

Working with colleagues at TUM in Germany, we’re measuring sulfate and nitrate isotopes to understand nutrient contamination issues. We have funding for analyses in this project, and it’s open to a range of research directions, depending on your interest.

Isotopes and Health:

Working with colleagues in Biosystems Engineering, we’re utilizing sulfur isotopes to look at infiltration into drinking water pipes. This will build off of projects that looked at the role of coal mining derived sulfur on water quality.

Women and Diversity in Science:

As a secondary project, you can participate in an ongoing project comparing diversity issues between Germany and Kentucky. We are initiating workshops to build better allies in each location and comparing perception shifts before and after the intervention.